Elemental Green
This website is a game changer for people looking to make Green choices when building or renovating their home!
Check it out- Link above.
This website also includes, A link to 10 TRUSTWORTHY GREEN PRODUCT DATABASES FOR BUILDING OR RENOVATING YOUR HOME you’ll want to explore.
How many times have you seen a green claim on a product & wondered if it was legit? If you’re like most consumers, it’s been too often to count. Luckily, green product databases – developed by credible institutions – are becoming increasingly common. Still, they’re not all created equal, so it’s important to understand the standards & criteria each one assesses. To save you the trouble of comparing each and every one, they’ve compiled this list.
From the Elemental Green Website:
We couldn’t agree more. Going green is a journey without a precise road map or a definitive destination. And, despite what some people might think, there’s no right or wrong way and no one can do it all. You can only do what works for you. And you should be proud of it! Our mission is to provide you with all the tools and information you’ll need on your journey to a green home.
Elemental Green is a digital media company with a mission to make green home building and renovation the status quo. There’s no reason not to and every reason to make it the norm. (Did you know buildings account for 70% of electricity use and 40% of CO2 emissions in the US?) Plus, green building is exploding! New products and technologies are entering the market all the time and they are more accessible and affordable than ever before.
Whether you’re building from scratch or making some minor renovations, we’re here to help. Browse for the perfect products, get inspired from other people’s projects, and learn why and how sustainable solutions are best for your home. Whatever you’re searching for, spend some time looking around the site. We can almost guarantee you’ll find something you never knew existed for your dream green home!
Here’s what you’ll find on Elemental Green:
Green homes come in all shapes and sizes and we show them off in all of their green glory — LEED homes, passive homes, net-zero homes, Living Building Challenge homes, tiny homes, prefabs, shipping container homes, eco-apartments, lofts, condos and more!
The market for green building and renovation materials and design concepts is exploding, but new innovations often go relatively unnoticed by the increasing population of people who would be interested in using them. That ends here. We intend on making this your one-stop shop for exploring possibilities and finding everything you need.
Going green is a journey and a constant learning curve. We know from experience that sometimes the information is overwhelming and other times it’s so wonky it’ll put you to sleep. Our goal is to translate, demystify, and hopefully even delight.