

is one of the worst enemies a home can have!

Water damage to a home can be one of the costliest of all repairs. It can cause mold, rot, insect infestation, & substantial damage to your foundation.

If you see signs of water damage, no matter how small it appears, consult a local contractor or other professional to determine what needs to be done to repair the damage & stop it from reoccurring.

Buyers are reluctant to buy homes with water damage, soil erosion, or foundation issues, so it’s best to be proactive to keep your home in shape now in order to avoid costly repairs & loss of property value.

As a buyer, during a home inspection, you want to make sure you identify any sources of moisture & recommend that they be properly addressed. Always inspect attics & basements carefully for signs of moisture. A moisture meter can alert you to the vaguest presence of moisture, or to spots where moisture has been recently.

What should you look for while touring houses?

  • Look at the soil around the base of the house. 

  • You want to see grading that moves water away, not toward the exterior walls.

  • Are there low areas next to the exterior walls? If so, the area needs to be filled with dirt & graded so it slopes away from the house.

  • Are the downspouts directing water away from the home? 

  • If there is a patio or concrete walkway next to an exterior wall, is the seam properly caulked? Anywhere there is a crack or open area between concrete & an exterior wall, there is an opportunity for water intrusion. 

  • Look at the roof. Are the shingles curled? If so, the roof may be old & near the end of its useful life. 

  • Is there a sump pump in the basement? This is good, since the pump works to move water from under the house to the outside. 

  • Check under the stairs in the basement. Look for any original or older wood to see if water has wicked up from the floor. 

  • How does the house smell? Moisture has a distinct smell so pay close attention to what your nose is telling you! 

  • Look up! Check the ceilings in every room to see if there are water stains or recent patching.

(Bonus points if you know what book this illustration is from. Growing up, this book was my idea of complete water devastation in a house!!)

Information from:


Image from A Fish out of Water, by Helen Palmer