Simply because radon cannot be detected by the human senses, doesn’t mean it’s not a threat. Radon gas comes from the decay of uranium in the soil and when it rises up from the soil under your home, it can get trapped and sucked into your basement due to the pressure differential between the soil and the home. Radon gas becomes harmful as it decays because it gives off radioactive particles that damage the lining of the lungs, and over time this can cause lung cancer in both humans and animals
Radon gas is a Class A carcinogen, which means it is known to cause cancer in humans. Radon is actually the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US, only second to smoking. In non smokers, radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer.
If you're moving to a residential home you should request a radon test as part of your home inspection.
If the radon level is above the 4.0pCi/L EPA recommended limit, a radon mitigation system is recommended. A mitigation system installed by a professional, experienced and certified mitigator costs approx. $800-$1500. (which is a cost that most often the seller will pay all or part of, if we negotiate it it as part of the home inspection) making the $150 test a good investment for peace of mind.
I have a list of radon mitigators I highly recommend.
The EPA, the CDC & the American Lung Association all have great information on their websites regarding the effects of radon gas if you wish to explore more.