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 Are you ready to tackle your clutter? 

Whether you approach it as part of readying your home to sell or looking to simplify, decluttering an entire home is a big job. The best way to tackle it is in stages—to focus on one room, one space, or even one zone within a room (like your kitchen cabinets), completing the job fully before moving on to the next space. This will also build confidence as you experience visible success at each step. 

You don't need fancy tools to declutter your home, but you do need six baskets or bins defined for these six purposes:

  • Put Away: This container is for items that have crept out of their storage spaces. This could mean a coffee cup in the bathroom or a sweatshirt in the kitchen. These are items that will go back in their designated spots.

  • Recycle: This bin is for items that need to be recycled, such as paper, plastic or glass.

  • Fix/Mend: Use this container for items that need further tinkering, such as a pair of shoes that you love but need to be cleaned.

  • Trash: Designate one basket for items that are no use to anyone—things that can go into the household trash immediately. 

  • Donate: Designate one bin for for items that you can donate to a charitable organization or another person. These should be items you can imagine another person wanting or needing. 

  • Sell: If you have things of value you can sell, add these in a 6th box/bin.

You can use bins, baskets or even just cardboard boxes for this task. You can bring these bins into each room as you declutter or leave them in a central place in your home while you work. The important thing is that you don't go hunting for containers while you're decluttering—set up the bins before you begin.

Begin in a room that calls to you. Give yourself some time to do the job properly. 

I like to start in a corner of a room & work my way through the room.

Here is a website that goes into great detail & gives step by step instructions on how to declutter.