
  • June 1 <Provided AirBnB guests a pitcher of filtered water>

  • June 2 <Wrote notes requesting AirBnB guests conserve energy in our home>

  • June 3 <Choose organic vegetables>

  • June 4 <Saved lemons for homemade cleaner >

  • June 5 <Made DIY dishwashing detergent>

  • June 6 <Made my own disinfecting wipes>

  • June 7 <Made my own liquid dish soap >

  • June 8 <Mixed my own all purpose cleaner>

  • June 9  <Unplugged phone as soon as charged>

  • June 10 <Used the eco button on the AC>

  • June 11 <Made newspaper trash bin liners >

  • June 12 <Coffee rinsed my hair >

  • June 13 <Discovered difference between deodorants vs. anti perspirants>

  • June 14 <Considered my fish choices, no shrimp>

  • June 15 <Reused found littered bag for dog poop>

  • June 16 <Signed up to give blood>

  • June 17 <Pumped septic>

  • June 18 < Learned how important whale dung is>

  • June 19 <Researched symbols on plastic>

  • June 20 <Learned about recycling codes>

  • June 21 <Learned about what I can’t recycle>

  • June 22 <Learned black plastic is not recyclable>

  • June 23 <Did not buy what can’t be recycled>

  • June 24 <Saved aluminum foil to make tennis ball size that can be recycled >

  • June 25 <Explored the difference between biodegradable & compostable>

  • June 26 <Chose glass containers instead of plastic>

  • June 27 <Reused glass jars>

  • June 28 <Learned how to freeze food in glass jars>

  • June 29 <Used what I have rather than buying new>

  • June 30 <Discovered glass & aluminum are infinitely recyclable>