
  • May 1 <Got creative with leftovers>

  • May 2 <Bought pre-loved clothes>

  • May 3 <Learned about Wishcycling>

  • May 4 <Used wine corks to repel fruit flies>

  • May 5 <Uploaded Eco Cart on my computer>

  • May 6 <Turned off tap when brushing teeth>

  • May 7 <Cut out dairy for a few weeks>

  • May 8 <Used homemade laundry pods>

  • May 9  <Collected shower water>

  • May 10 <Watered plants in early morning>

  • May 11 <Made a menu & shopping list for a week of meals>

  • May 12 <Took a cooler shower>

  • May 13 <Watched seaspiracy>

  • May 14 <Watered plants with rice rinse water>

  • May 15 <Made liquid laundry soap>

  • May 16 <Cleaned my bathtub w/ homemade no scrub tub cleaner>

  • May 17 <Mixed my own toilet bowl cleaner>

  • May 18 <Dusted w/ homemade wood polish & dusting spray>

  • May 19 <Made homemade fresh lemon dishwasher detergent>

  • May 20 <Gave client ride to view homes>

  • May 21 <Made my own air freshener>

  • May 22 <Upcycled a tee shirt into a shopping bag>

  • May 23 <Returned plastic plant pots to farm>

  • May 24 <Cleaned coffee pot w/ vinegar>

  • May 25 <Line dried my sheets>

  • May 26 <Ran dishwasher only when full>

  • May 27 <Turned off all lights when leaving the room>

  • May 28 <Shopped w/ my values>

  • May 29 <Switched to LED light bulbs>

  • May 30 <Opened the window instead of using AC in car>

  • May 31 <Avoided palm oil>


May 1, Day 119

<Got creative with leftovers>

I know some people don’t like leftovers, but I love them! The best lunch is yesterday’s leftover dinner! Try dating your leftovers with a post-it note so you know how fresh (or not!) they are. Some leftovers even taste better the next day!

Want some stats? Roughly one-third of all food produced for human consumption around the world goes to waste. Environmentally, it accounts for about 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, 24% of the freshwater & 28 million tons of the fertilizers & pesticides used in agriculture. If food waste was a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases after the USA & China!